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Sunbelt Computer Software
Quality Software Products for the PL/B Community

PL/B On-Line Manuals
Listed below are the various help files used by the Sunbelt products. We provide these files in an effort to ensure that our customers have access to the very latest documentation. The files are available in two formats:
  1. Windows Compiled Help
  2. HTML Help

You can select the format that suits your needs best. Both formats are generated from the same source code and contain the same information. The HTML Help is direct access to the manuals on-line.

The Compiled format files are designed to be placed in the same directory (plbwin.???\code). The HTML format should be placed in a folder with each product as a sub-folder. For instance, if the root folder is "help", the Language Reference should be in "help\plb". The correct folder names of the Language Reference, Runtime Errors, Designer, Utilities, Application Server, Sunaccess, Web Server and Sunbelt Data Manager are "plb", "plbrun", "designer", "plbutil", "plbcs", "sunacc", "plbweb", and "sundm" respectively.

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Last modified July 04 2024 08:29 by