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Sunbelt Computer Software
Quality Software Products for the PL/B Community

Sunbelt Computer Systems, Inc.

Visual PL/B CE Installation

  1. Install Windows CE Support on a Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, ME or XP system using the software provided with your Windows CE handheld device.

  2. Install SUNBELT PL/B Windows CE Software. (Each Release)

    The SUNBELT PL/B Windows CE software is downloaded from Sunbelt's web site. Perform the following steps to download and install your SUNBELT software.

    1. Navigate to the Demo page for Sunbelt Software.
    2. Locate the appropriate CE software for either the Hand Held, Palm Top, Pocket PC or PC 2002.
    3. Download the software to your computer.
    4. Execute the downloaded software. This installs the files on your windows system that are required for the CE installation. This also places an icon on the desktop for the CE installation.
    5. Mount the mobile device into the docking station provided for it by the device manufacturer and make sure the docking station is connected to the Windows workstation. You should see some dialog from the Windows workstation that the device is connected.
    6. Click the icon just installed on the desktop for the CE installation.
    7. Click 'OK' to execute the setup program.
    8. Follow the instructions presented on the screen.
    9. Check the mobile device screen to see if additional steps are necessary to complete this installation.

    Note: A default configuration file is placed into the Sunbelt directory. The name varies depending on which version of PL/B is installed. This provides the necessary parameters as determined from this setup process to allow the PLBCE runtime to become operational. You may edit the .INI file to modify the parameters as needed. The parameters are defined in the Language Reference Help file under ‘Compiler and Runtime Options/PLBCE/Keywords’. One common change is to add additional directories to the PLB_PATH entry which contain user source and or object code. The .INI configuration file is required in order to run the PLBCE runtime.

  3. Setup the Runtime AUTHORIZATION Number.

    Before PLBCE becomes operational, an authorization file named 'dbserial' must exist in the directory where PLBCE has been loaded. The dbserial file must contain a valid authorization number which is provided by SUNBELT COMPUTER SYSTEMS. This is normally done by the software setup program. If a runtime gives a 'U19' error, then there is a problem with the authorization number and you should contact SUNBELT to verify the authorization number being used.

  4. Copy Application Software and Files to the Mobile Device.

    Simply select the files to copy using Windows Explorer to the appropriate folder under Mobile Devices.

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Last modified October 21 2022 12:08 by